Oasis in Kiev or one of the best place to live in Kiev
Nikolska Slobodka & Levoberezhka. Metro station "Levoberezhna"
I was recently frustrated by a review of a Dnepr neighborhood written by a Kiev journalist. In the article, he said that the Dnepr neighborhood was"dirt and water." This really bothered me. How about Rusanovskaya Riverbank, or Nikolskaya Slobodka, or Pozniaki, or Telbin Pond, or the riviera? Are these all also "dirt and water"? Why throw these insults? The Dnepr neighborhood is 66km2 and has 330,000 residents. Yes, it has some less prosperous areas, but mostly, there are new buildings, beautiful parks, and the Dnepr river with its beaches.
In this article, I'd like to focus on the massive Levoberezhka (left bank), and Nikolskaya Slobodka, both beautiful modern residential goliaths, located right next to the Levoberezhnaya subway stop.
The residents of these microneighborhoods have access to all the amenities in this resort town. There's a sand beach on the Dnepr, floating restaurants, the sports fields in the Hydropark, and a manicured park along the Rusanovskaya Riverbank. In the summer these microneighborhoods really do resemble a resort. People in swimsuits and flip flops, holding towels and balloon floats, head out en masse to the Dnepr, across the Rusanovskaya Riverbank.
View to the right bank of Kyiv from Rusanovsky bridge
Dozens of great restaurants along the riverbank make this street a real promenade. Nowhere else in Kiev did I ever see so many health enthusiasts. Starting early in the morning, young and old, they head out for a run in the park. And the fields, sporting outdoor exercise machines, are never empty. Even in the winter, the street never dies down, from the constant current of “morzhi”, cold weather swimmers. Most importantly, all of this is within 10-15 minutes away from the subway, and only 4 stops away from Khreschiatyka.
School 128
Statistically, according to children's polyclinics, these microneighborhoods are regarded as some of the most environmentally clean in Kiev, and clean air means less illness.
As for schools, Rusanovskiy Licée and school №128 regularly lead in educational quality ratings, and when you count exit exams, they outperform other schools. And, after renovations, school №128 now boasts not only modern classrooms, but also a modern swimming pool.
Now let's examine the real estate market in these microneighborhoods. The microneighborhoods themselves finished construction by the late 70s. Then in 2002, there was a rebuilding of the area. Due to that, you can now feel a difference in the quality of the buildings that arose even within a few years of each other. One of the main differences that is reflected in, are the prices.
Let's take a look at the new buildings in these microneighborhoods. These include the residential houses on P. Okipnoy St., Nikolsko-Slobodskoy and Lunacharskovo, the last two streets with older architecture, and thus, lower prices.
There's a special proposition on Levoberezhnaya, a residential house with the address of 16 P. Okipnoy St. Here the rental prices are a level higher than that of the rest of the houses in this microneighborhood. This is due to the class of building, better security and the quality of its apartments (area, view and construction).
Lobby of residential building at 16 Raisy Okipnoy St
View from an apartment of the residential building at 16 Raisy Okipnoy St
Below are the apartment sale prices on the same streets. Of course, the apartments for sale have been renovated.