Today is my fist post in this blog and at the same time is a start of heating season. Heating season in Ukraine is the period from early fall to the spring during which additional heat is needed to keep houses comfortable for occupants.
Usually, a heating season in Ukraine starts either from October 15th and finishes on April 15th or it can start is the temperature is below 8C. For example in 2015 heating season started October 1st and last until April 30th. This year it starts on October, 14. It means that the transition to the temperature conditions for the heating season throughout the country will take place on October 14-15, which is 5-10 days earlier than usual.
Generally, the duration of that season depends on such factors as temperature regime, the amount of the planned budget expenditures with the price of gas, and the possibility of thermal infrastructure. And the second factor may play a crucial role in determining the heating season opening and duration. This explains regular heat outages that even occur without prior notification.
This year Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (НС) forecasts that the heating season, from the viewpoint of temperature conditions, will last no less than 160-180 days. This was stated by Anatoly Prokopenko, thewinterDeputy Director of HC during the annual conference. At the same time, according to weather the winter 2016 – 2017 will be relatively warm as it has been in the last few years. According to the HC, after October 13, daytime temperatures in Kyiv and most parts of the country will not exceed 6-7°C, and it starts to rain and snow.
It is well known that conflict with Russian Federation negatively affected the price of the gas supplied to Ukraine. According to the thoughts of the head of country's main energetic company, in terms of coal shortage, Ukraine will have to launch the oil-gas units of the central power plant. This is one of the least expensive heating options, which may be used. Nevertheless, the head of state assured that there are no reasons for concern.